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YUWake, The University of York Waterskiing and Wakeboarding Club

YUWake, The University of York Waterskiing and Wakeboarding Club

We are a rapidly growing sports team based at the University of York and are passionate about encouraging students and locals from the York area to take up waterskiing and wakeboarding.

Originally founded in 2013 for wakeboarders, the club has grown considerably since, and now includes wakeboarders and skiers of all abilities from those who are new to the sport to members who compete nationally.

We recently achieved the inclusion of wakeboarding in Roses, the largest inter-university varsity competition in Europe between the University of York and Lancaster University, which was held at Salford wakepark. We won this event convincingly and hope to repeat this next year when wakeboarding will contribute to the overall Roses score and therefore receive more publicity (http://www.nouse.co.uk/2016/04/25/york-wins-roses-wakeboarding/).

We are looking for sponsorship to enable us to continue to grow and welcome any partnership proposals. Please do not hesitate to contact at wakeandski@yusu.org if you have any questions.

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